My View On Love

9:28:00 PM

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So, this is my first ever blog post! And it'll be a kinda downer post because I'm a sad person.

So, Love, Love is a great thing really, it makes people happy, it brings peace and also holds society together. But, similar to how strong light yields a sharp shadow, Love has a really dark side, a side we all have become blind to.

This is the reason why love spells are quite controversial in the witch community.(I have an interest in witchcraft.) Love is a very complicated thing, something that should be left alone to work on its own, so magick should not be used to tamper with it. Similar to trying to control the mind, it can be very harmful to both the caster and to the target. In spells to attract love, it could bring you stalkers, like if someone harbours feelings for you and don't express it for certain reasons(i.e. they find it inappropriate.), it could lead them to obsess over the caster and eventually become a stalker.

Now, after all, the talk about love spells, I will talk about my actual view on love.

Love (as I have already mentioned) is a great thing, but it has its dark side. I often like to look deep into topics like this, like how deeply intertwined Love and Death are, I almost consider them counterparts. Even in Greek mythology, Thanatos (Death) had become almost the same as Eros (Love/Cupid.), as he had quite a bit of similarities to him(i.e. how Thanatos brings Elysium/heaven/happiness and paradise to the dead and how Eros brings paradise and happiness to the living.)

Love can bring happiness, yes, but it can also bring eternal pain. Unrequited love is a very painful thing, as well as missing a loved one. Love also drives humankind to do the most stupid and horrible things, it makes us kill, it makes us lie, it makes us jealous, it brings out the worst of a person. Love truly is a monster, one of the most unrelenting monsters.

Even though Love is so great, it can come at a great price, but that price should not be your true identity, you should not negate your needs, your desires, your feelings, just because the person you have a crush on thinks that they are unimportant. Yes, a person can change, but one can only change so much, but to change your whole identity.

It's not good. It's not right. It's not love.

It is greed. It is a lie. It is manipulation.

Hades, the god of death is often associated with riches, why? Because Greed and Longing are very very similar, and yet completely different things.

Love makes us do so many bad things, just to not let someone you love down, even if they don't love you back, even if they will never love you back.

But the price of love should not be that, it should never cost you your soul or who you are.

You deserve love but it's not worth your life or your suffering.

Love does come at a price, it should make you change for the better, it should make you do good things.

Love is a two faced being, one side is amazing and great, the other is dark and sad.

The good side is what you deserve, only if you do the right thing and let go of all the bad things about you, but not everything about you.

I find Death kinder, but it also has two sides, and the side that you get is what you deserve for your choices, either suffer for eternity for all the bad things you did or end all your suffering in your life and let you be happy.

Despite this, I don't want to be dead, not yet, death can take me later, now I want to deal with love, because love is great.

You should not want to be dead because of love, if you do, it is either you're a bad person, or the person that you think is perfect is using you.

So that's my opinion on love, please tell me how all of you feel about the topic.

Also, stay happy and live well, you all deserve to.

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